Private: Shop

  • Full Weekend IN PERSON Seminars &
    15 CEs for LMTs

    10% less when registering by May 6th, 2024
    CE’s for LMTs are reported to CEBroker [refund policy]

    Wed, Thurs, Friday evenings 6pm-9pm, Sat and Sundays 2pm-5pm EST
    contact Bonnie 941.360.2248

  • Full Weekend IN PERSON Seminars &
    15 CEs for LMTs

    10% off when registering by June 7, 2024
    CE’s for LMTs are reported to CEBroker [refund policy]

    Wed, Thurs, Friday evenings 6pm-9pm, Sat and Sundays 2pm-5pm EST
    contact Bonnie 941.360.2248

    Friday 6-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:30am-5:00pm EST

  • Full Weekend IN PERSON Seminars &
    15 CEs for LMTs

    20% less when registering by September 6th, 2024

    CE’s for LMTs are reported to CEBroker [refund policy]

    Wed, Thurs, Friday evenings 6pm-9pm, Sat and Sundays 2pm-5pm EST
    contact Bonnie 941.360.2248

  • LIVE ONLINE Seminars Package includes:

    Freeing Neck & Shoulders CEBroker #20-761871
    Viva La Breathing CEBroker #20-803262
    Regaining a Flexible Spine CEBroker #20-761873

    Seminars Package only $139. Regular $55 each.

    All Online Seminars 6:30pm - 8:30pm EST.
    Select your date for each session below.

  • Sale!

    Release Your Jaw, Your Voice, Your Whole Self

    Original price was: $400.00.Current price is: $320.00.

    Full Weekend IN PERSON Seminars &
    15 CEs for LMTs

    20% less when registering three weeks prior to seminar
    CE’s for LMTs are reported to CEBroker [refund policy]

    Wed, Thurs, Friday evenings 6pm-9pm, Sat and Sundays 2pm-5pm EST
    contact Bonnie 941.360.2248

  • Registration Fee $65


  • LIVE ONLINE Seminar

    2 Hour Session $55 
    (see full course details below)

    10% less when registering more than one week prior to seminar
    CE's for LMTs are reported to CEBroker
    Refund policy

  • LIVE ONLINE Seminar

    2 Hour Session $55 
    (see full course details below)

    10% less when registering more than one week prior to seminar
    CE's for LMTs are reported to CEBroker
    Refund policy

  • LIVE ONLINE Seminar

    2 Hour Session $55 
    (see full course details below)

    10% less when registering more than one week prior to seminar
    CE's for LMTs are reported to CEBroker
    Refund policy

  • A TOUCH TO INFORM Certificate is presented with the completion of all six 15-hour Seminars. With a TOUCH TO INFORM Certificate, participants will be able to use TOUCH TO INFORM in their marketing, repeat any seminar for free, participate in any advanced TOUCH TO INFORM Seminars offered, with, the opportunity of being adjunct faculty for future Seminars.

    4 Installment Payments of $465 each

    Select dates for each seminar below.

    ONLINE Seminars:
    Wed, Thurs, Friday evenings 6pm-9pm, Sat and Sundays 1pm-4pm EST
    contact Bonnie 941.360.2248

    LIVE In-Person Seminars:
    Friday 6-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:30am-5:00pm EST

  • 10% less when registering two weeks prior to seminar

  • A TOUCH TO INFORM Certificate is presented with the completion of all six 15-hour Seminars. With a TOUCH TO INFORM Certificate, participants will be able to use TOUCH TO INFORM in their marketing, repeat any seminar for free, participate in any advanced TOUCH TO INFORM Seminars offered, with, the opportunity of being adjunct faculty for future Seminars.

    Pay in Full Now $1,799 (check out below)

    Select dates for each seminar below.

    ONLINE Seminars:
    Wed, Thurs, Friday evenings 6pm-9pm, Sat and Sundays 1pm-4pm EST
    contact Bonnie 941.360.2248

    LIVE In-Person Seminars:
    Friday 6-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:30am-5:00pm EST

  • Purchase the "4 Seminars Package" at a discount price of $1,325 (instead of 4 x $400 when purchased individually).

    If you have taken one or two already or are interested in installment payments contact Bonnie at 941.360.2248.

    Please SELECT DATES for each seminar below.

    ONLINE Seminars are always:
    Wed, Thurs, Friday evenings 6pm-9pm, Sat and Sundays 2pm-5pm EST

    LIVE Seminars are always:
    Friday 6-9pm, Saturday and Sunday 9:30am-5:00pm EST

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