Seminar Dates |
Seminar Topics | Location |
January 20th [2 CEs] | Freeing Neck and Shoulders | Live Webinar |
January 29 – 31 [14 CEs] | Walking Engine Weekend | Live Webinar |
February 26-28 [14 CEs] | Moving from Your Core Weekend | Live Webinar |
March 10 & 17 [2 CEs] | Flexible Spine | Live Webinar |
April 14 [2 CEs] | Freeing Neck and Shoulders | Live Webinar |
April 23-25 [15 CEs] | Release Your Jaw, Your Voice, Your Whole Self | Live Webinar |
May 12 [2 CEs] | Viva La Breathing | Live Webinar |
May 14-16 [14 CEs] | Walking Engine Weekend | Orlando LIVE SEMINAR |
May 21-23 [15 CEs] | Regain, Maintain Lifelong Agility | Live Webinar |
June 9 [2 CEs] | Flexible Spine | Live Webinar |
*Special FSMTA[6 CEs] | THE Swing –The Power of the Pelvis | Orlando LIVE SEMINAR |
June 25-27 [15 CEs] | Regain, Maintain Lifelong Agility | St Petersburg LIVE SEMINAR |
July 14 [2 CEs] | Freeing Neck and Shoulders | Live Webinar |
July 17-18 [12 CEs] | Walking Engine Weekend | Live Webinar |
August 11 [2 CEs] | Viva La Breathing | Live Webinar |
August 14-15 [12 CEs] | Moving from Your Core Weekend | Live Webinar |
Events Calendar 2021Scarlet Strapko2021-04-08T16:15:58+00:00