Touch To Inform Certificate Program

Just as Actors and Singers develop a variety of Tones to communicate with, as Therapists and Coaches, you can also develop a variety of ways to Touch in order to engage your clients’ ability to listen and absorb different, and new, information. Sensing differences aids your client’s ability to listen and communicates to your client’s brain that a change in action or thought, is possible. This ‘learning’ starts the healing process.

Experience how quickly the brain can change behaviors through a touch that connects to how the nervous system processes information from your thoughts or intent.

When you learn how your client’s brain can work for you, you can use their inner wisdom and work smarter, not harder!

“The mantra, ‘allow muscles to return to natural resting length’ used as a thread throughout the day was a plus for me. Also … ‘be present, be curious, ask questions .'”
D.H. – Participant

Do you see yourself as a therapist who empowers your clients to participate in their own healing?

I know that lying down and ‘doing’ very little can be difficult for the ‘doers/caretakers,’ of this world, but sometimes, doing ‘nothing’ is exactly what is called for.

Often, when you attend deeply to yourself, the first thing you might notice will be the many imperfections you have within you.
Learning to accept the differences you or your clients have without judgment is the first step for healing.


In Touch to Inform Seminars you will:

  • notice differences, without judgment.
  • observe old patterns that interfere with healing.
  • learn to pause and address the pattern first before the problem.
  • look for ways to disrupt those patterns and explore new possibilities
  • without focusing only on the direct, desired outcome.

You might ask, “Will you or your client tolerate such an approach?”
You will be surprised to the appreciation you will receive from clients.

“Wonderful seminar, thank you so much! You are the only teacher who gives my brain and nervous system time…doesn’t rush them…I am feeling such tremendous benefit and relief in my whole way of being, and so are my clients. Thank you.”
E.V. – Participant

Each Weekend Seminar offers a new theme – The learning is progressive
Each following seminar weekend, your understanding is greater, and the process of slowing down and attending, in detail, to what YOUR patterns are, supports your ability to intuitively sense the best process to use with your clients. Plan on participating in all 6 Seminars as close together as possible.

Further benefits include:

  • Apply the mechanics of good skeletal support and other strategies for personal and professional longevity.
  • Protect against overuse of your wrists, forearms, fingers and thumbs as well as shoulders & neck,
  • Create inner space for more stamina and power
  • Fine tune ability to observe their own unique different neuromuscular strategy for working & other daily tasks.
  • Learn to think synergistically and recognize muscular tightness as part of a habitual pattern.
  • Support personal engagement in your own health and well-being

90 hours of Seminars

A TOUCH TO INFORM Certificate is presented with the completion of all six 15-hour Seminars. With a TOUCH TO INFORM Certificate, participants will be able to use TOUCH TO INFORM in their marketing, repeat any seminar for free, participate in any advanced TOUCH TO INFORM Seminars offered, with, the opportunity of being adjunct faculty for future Seminars, and, attend a monthly support group as a follow up to keep the process alive in your mind with more opportunities to discover new and creative solutions.

4 Basic Seminars: IN PERSON or Live ONLINE

Two Advanced Seminars

(Pre-requisite of 30 hours from other seminars)

  1. Better Balance Part I: Planes of Action (15 Ces)
  2. Better Balance Part II: Prevent Falling (15 CEs)

Certificate Program Fee:

4 Easy Payments: $470 each [one month apart]

OR Pay in Full: $1,779

See Seminar Details Below

Connect on Social Media

Bonnie Kissam YouTube Channel
Touch to Inform Facebook page
Touch to Inform Instagram account
Bonnie Kissam Connect on LinkedIn