Regaining a Flexible Spine

Regaining a Flexible Spine



2 Hour Session $55 
(see full course details below)

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Regaining a Flexible Spine

CEBroker #20-301458 

Flexible movement requires an even give and take between opposing muscles, the agonists and antagonists. When one set of muscles stay tight,  fluid, easy movements disappear. Efficient functional movement of the spine [bending, rotating] requires even muscular tonus between flexor and extensor muscles of the torso and an even distribution of effort throughout the action. The concept of mobilizing the thoracic spine, is NOVEL and yet essential.  The ability to shift habitual patterns from ‘holding your core’ requires movement with attention and sensing how to keep balance with mobility.  The world sees the torso as having a “rib cage’ — and a cage does not move, which cuts off the distribution of effort for the back and neck. Participants experience the importance of mobility through the torso in-order-to  protect the lower back and neck as the thoracic spine is back in the image of the actions.. The concept of counterbalance is discussed.  

“It’s not flexible bodies I’m after, but flexible minds.” Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc 

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