THREE 2-Hour Seminars Package

THREE 2-Hour Seminars Package


LIVE ONLINE Seminars Package includes:

Freeing Neck & Shoulders CEBroker #20-761871
Viva La Breathing CEBroker #20-803262
Regaining a Flexible Spine CEBroker #20-761873

Seminars Package only $139. Regular $55 each.

All Online Seminars 6:30pm – 8:30pm EST.
Select your date for each session below.

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TOUCH TO INFORM Webinars expand how you look at ‘problems’ in necks, backs, shoulders, hips, knees, feet and jaw.  Using Concepts from the Feldenkrais Method®, you can embrace the power of the nervous system. In 3 easy steps, use TOUCH as a tool to listen and engage your client’s movement intelligence.

During Touch to Inform Seminars,  you learn to:  

  • Expand your use of touch in a way that communicates with your client’s ability to self-correct.
  • Use the power of observation and support so that the nervous system is more receptive to new information.
  • Move clients from pain to new possibilities with clear intention.

Are you ready to create changes with an inquisitive, profound, x-ray TOUCH that Observes, Supports and Informs? 

Freeing Neck and Shoulders: Finding your Spine: CEBroker #20-297177

Our head follows our eyes. Our spine of our skeleton supports our head. Shoulders are connected to spine, neck and head movements.

Using neurological concepts from The Feldenkrais® Method, participants will develop skills that indirectly quiet excessive tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders by learning TOUCH TO OBSERVE, SUPPORT and INFORM around the torso so that the head is freer to move – and the shoulders feel more supple.Explore the mechanisms for BREATHING, and moving your CORE from the inside. Notice excess tension around the diaphragm and ribs, in yourself and others, as you improve ‘posture’ and abilities.

Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. created various breathing lessons. He used the action of breathing to bring attention to the muscular holding patterns of the rib and diaphragm area. A fully functionally aligned spine with mobile ribs supports breathing, while exploring different ways to breath supports your spine. In this seminar, participants will learn ways to engage themselves and their clients with sensory awareness skills that expand the torso for lifelong balanced posture. Many useful practical applications. In this Seminar, participants will learn ways to engage themselves/clients with sensory awareness skills that expand the torso for a lifetime of balanced posture and action.

Viva la Breathing: CEBroker #20-803262

Explore the mechanisms for BREATHING, and moving your CORE from the inside. Notice excess tension around the diaphragm and ribs, in yourself and others, as you improve ‘posture’ and abilities.

Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc. created various breathing lessons. He used the action of breathing to bring attention to the muscular holding patterns of the rib and diaphragm area. A fully functionally aligned spine with mobile ribs supports breathing, while exploring different ways to breath supports your spine. In this seminar, participants will learn ways to engage themselves and their clients with sensory awareness skills that expand the torso for lifelong balanced posture. Many useful practical applications. In this Seminar, participants will learn ways to engage themselves/clients with sensory awareness skills that expand the torso for a lifetime of balanced posture and action.

Regaining a Flexible Spine /A Feldenkrais Model: CEBroker #20-301458 

Movement requires an even give and take between opposing muscles, the agonists and antagonists. When one set of muscles stay tight, then fluid, easy movement disappears. Efficient functional movement of the spine requires even muscular tonus between flexor and extensor muscles of the torso and an even distribution of effort throughout the action. The concept of mobilizing the thoracic spine, that which houses the rib cage, is essentialParticipants will demonstrate the importance of mobility throughout the torso in order to protect the lower back. The concept of counterbalance will be discussed.

“It’s not flexible bodies I’m after, but flexible minds.” Moshe Feldenkrais, D.Sc 

Additional information

Select Freeing Neck & Shoulders Date


Select Viva la Breathing Date


Select Regain a Flexible Spine Date


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